From Season 2 of the Ultraman anime series, Adad, the mysterious agent of the Star Cluster Council, is now available as a 1/6th scale articulated figure!
The FigZero 1/6 Adad (Anime Version) stands approximately 12.6" tall and is a fully articulated figure with approximately 25 points of articulation and fabric pants.
The face can be exchanged between a standard expression and a smiling expression, which can easily be attached and detached via magnet.
The weapons include a combat knife and a combat staff in two modes (retracted and extended). The extended combat staff is made partially of metal.
Other accessories include six sets of interchangeable hands: One pair of fists, one pair of relaxed hands, one pair of hands for holding the combat knife, one pair of hands for holding the combat staff, one right hand in a pointing pose, and one left hand for touching their chin.
Shipping: Free within the USA