From the Ultraman Season 2 anime, FigZero 1/6 Ultraman Suit Taro (Anime Version) stands approximately 12.2" tall andĀ features over 52 points of articulation.
The collectible has a detailed paint application, has decals and is constructed partially of die-cast zinc alloy and other metal parts. LED light-up features are installed at the eyes and the Color Timer on the chest.
Taro's iconic blazing fire effects come in multiple forms for this figure:
- 1 pair for chest
- 1 pair for upper back
- 1 pair for lower back
- 1 pair for fists
- 1 piece in shooting form
Other accessories include the Ultra Badge which Kotaro uses in transforming into Ultraman Suit Taro form, and multiple interchangeable hands:
- 1 pair of fists
- 1 pair of knife-hands
- 1 pair of fire shooting hands
- 1 right hand for holding the Ultra Badge.
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